Exploring participants’ inner and outer worlds through creative collaboration, Eva led reflections on individual and collaborative routes, asking the group to work with, move through, and ask of each other:
 When is a route, a route? 
How do we interpret routes?
 How do we record routes?
 What do we see and how are we seen on these routes? 
Workshops unraveled these questions through table-sized tape ‘route making’, photographing re-staged window ‘world cut-outs’, the creation of a collaborative ‘classroom route pack’, and ‘short-cut image mobiles’. 
The route packs were then activated through a series of self-portraits, the group choosing four or 5 cards to make a new route, and photographing fragments of themselves walking, jumping, or gesturing through the route. The images then become markers of movement, left, right, forward, and backward. Annotated with oil pastel and placed together to follow one coloured thread of connection. 
The programme of workshops ran through the Spring and Summer terms of 2024 and concluded with the co-creation of a display that showcases work made through the workshops and accompanying texts by the participants.
Images by Patrick Young 
In the programmes final presentation on a 6-paneled 2 metre by 0.5 metre Marine Ply structure, the piece is punctuated by sections of tape reflective of routes created by students, a full panel of 'classroom route packs' which read - left, right, straight, and backward. As well as photographic fragments of the students restaging their route journeys and wooden cutouts of forms encountered on these. Cutouts within the stand invite the viewer to step through, and bend down when viewing images at different intervals. 
A Gap in the Fence 2024, vinyl, electrical tape, marine ply shapes on Marine Ply 2m x 0.6m