As part of the 2020 - 2021 Photoworks Brighton LGBTQ+ Photography Club Eva created a variety of prompt resources to keep the participants engaged during the hybrid online and in-person programme

In June 2020 Eva was commissioned by Aspex Portsmouth to create a series of activities to complement Jaf Yusuf wonderful work’ Binfinty and Beyond’. I came up with 5 prompts exploring different senses that will help us see and feel the places we move through every day in new and creative ways.
More info on the learning resource here.

In September 2020, Eva was commissioned by Photoworks to create a Learning Resource as part of the Photoworks Festival Propositions for Alternative Narratives.
Find the resource titled 'Temporary Self' here. It takes Guanyu Xu’s work Temporarily Censored Home as a starting point to explore themes of LGBT+ experience, personal censorship, and a sense of individuality. See the image below.

As part of Eva's role as Artist Facilitator, she made resource packs for the members of Queer History Now to engage with contemporary practitioners, get creative, and start learning a visual vocabulary to work with the Tommy and Betty archive in interesting ways during our online sessions.
You can find them here.