(un)common outcomes is a collaboratively shaped exhibition. It comprises two parts: a constellation of finished and unfinished works by fifteen artists; and nothing is fixed – a growing installation of images, sketchbook pages, notes, provocations, test prints and more, shaped and reshaped by the artists and workshop participants on Saturday 26 October.
This exhibition brings peer-led ways of learning and developing one’s artistic practice to life. It features the work of the fifteen Peer Matters artists: Alexandra Davenport, Anna Sellen, Chiara Zandonà, Ed Sykes, Emile Kees, Eva Jonas, Ezra Evans, Georgina McNamara, Marguerite Minnot Thomas, Phil Hill, Polly Palmerini, Roz Doherty, Sebastian F. Mahon, Sergey Novikov and Siddharth Khajuria.
(un)common outcomes Exhibitions and Events were produced by Eva, Ezra, and Siddharth.
Peer Matters is an artist-led development programme, supported by Photoworks. Since their monthly online gatherings began in March, the group have taken part in exercises that explore their individual and collective artistic experiences. Alongside traditional crit group frameworks of sharing and receiving feedback on projects, the group has taken part in ‘grounding exercises’, discussion, movement, and prompts that foster alternative modes of exchange, reflection, and learning.
See below for Images from installation nothing is fixed

Throughout the development programme the members were invited to share a 'grounding exercise' as a way to connect with either an embodied way of showing up to the group context or as a way to reflect on different facets of eachothers creative practices.
The Grounding Exercises were presented as the Photoworks Weekender.
Grounding Exercises 1-5 - design by Phil Hill October 2024